Emma Krouse shortly after birthEmily Krouse Smith "Emma Krouse" came into this world on October 4, 2008 at 3:35pm. Beautiful Emma Krouse was born at Mobile Infirmary Medical Center in Mobile, AL. Her proud parents are Emily Ryan Smith and Jason K. Smith of Mobile. Emma Krouse weighed 7lbs 13 oz at birth.
Tim Smith - Proud GrandfatherHer grandparents are Leah and Randy Nations of Natchez, MS, Terri and Eddie Ryan of St. Francisville, LA. On her daddy's side, her grandparents are Tim and Emily Smith of Jackson, MS.

Peggy Ryan "Mammaw"She also has great-grandmothers - Betty McGraw of Natchez, MS, Peggy Ryan of Woodville, MS, and great-grandparents Emily and Hon. Charles Clark of Jackson, MS.
We are very joyful to report that Emma Krouse is a healthy and sweet baby girl. The name Emily is a long standing tradition in the Smith/Clark/Ryan family. The derivation of Emily -"Emma" is also and old family name from both sides. "Krouse" is the maiden name of Tim Smith's mother. Emily Bonner Krouse Smith was from Meridian, MS.